• 9661806121/9523489052
  • info@crystalconsultants.org
  • Skyline, Near Kadru Bridge, Ranchi
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About Us

Welcome To Crystal Consultants

We are ISO 9001:2008 certified & QCI (NABET) Accredited Environmental Consultants & our approved sectors are;


To render consultancy services in the area of preparation of Mining Plan environmental planning including preparation of project specific EIA/EMP for the purpose of obtaining Environment Clearance, environmental monitoring,  planning & design of mining projects related infrastructure facilities. 
Serving the Nation towards sustainable development for over a DECADE




Driven by a yearning to achieve excellence in rendering our services &  position ourself as leader in the country in the chosen area of services, we will strive for continuous upgradation of skill & technical knowhow of its human resource, strengthening the supporting infrastructures & expanding geographical presence in the country.​